+254 725874130
Eastern Bypass, Triple Two, 4th Floor.
Monday - Saturday : 08:00am - 05:00pm




The Sun is
and Better.

Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available. Since solar energy comes from the sun, it represents a limitless source of power. The rapid proliferation of solar power worldwide has led to parallel growth in nationwide and even regionally.

Krystal Solutions Limited provides Solar technologies that harness the sun’s energy for a variety of uses, including generating electricity, providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and heating water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use.

It’s a Legal Requirement.

In a renewed drive in favour of clean energies and reduced reliance on hydro and thermal energy, Kenya’s Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) enforced regulations requiring property developers to install and use solar water heating systems.

Why Use Solar?

  • Drastically reduce or even eliminate your electric bills
  • Protect the environment
  • Earn a great return on your investment
  • Protect against rising energy costs
  • Boost Kenya’s energy independence
  • Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability


In a renewed drive in favour of clean energies and reduced reliance on hydro and thermal energy, Kenya’s Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) enforced regulations requiring property developers to install and use solar water heating systems.

Solar Products.

Solar heating & cooling (SHC) technologies collect the thermal energy from the sun and use this heat to provide hot water, space heating, cooling, and pool heating for domestic, commercial, and industrial applications. Homes
as well as hotels, schools and hospitals can benefit from the
free resource that is solar. 

Solar Heating can be used in four
different applications,
• solar water heating
• solar space heating
• solar cooling
• solar pool heating


commercial pools.

Solar heating & cooling (SHC) technologies collect the thermal energy from the sun and use this heat to provide hot water, space heating, cooling, and pool heating for domestic, commercial, and industrial applications. Homes
as well as hotels, schools and hospitals can benefit from the
free resource that is solar. 

Solar Heating can be used in four
different applications,
• solar water heating
• solar space heating
• solar cooling
• solar pool heating

Savings & Return

With Krystal Solutions’ solar heating and cooling technologies, it is possible to make well above 60% savings on electricity bills by heating water using solar.

Solar heating systems are affordable for families. The return on investment can be as little as 3-6 years. Commercial systems help companies reduce and manage their energy bills, managing long-term costs.


solar lighting solutions

The main benefits of photovoltaic
systems are no monthly billing
charges, solar P.V systems are durable,
the systems are suitable for any part of
the country (e.g. under-served areas),
no noise pollution is generated and the
production of power is environmentally
solar water pumping

solar pumping solutions

Solar pumps offer a clean and simple
alternative to fuel-burning engines
and generators for domestic water,
livestock and irrigation. They are
most effective during dry and sunny