+254 725874130
Eastern Bypass, Triple Two, 4th Floor.
Monday - Saturday : 08:00am - 05:00pm

Consultancy Services


Energy consultancy focuses on optimizing a business’ energy usage, as well as the sources from which the actual energy is derived. … Energy consulting is often centered on reducing operational costs. 

General & Investment Grade Energy Audits

We carry out energy audits across all sectors; industrial, commercial and institutional facilities. Our main goal is to identify areas where energy is being wasted and recommend corrective actions to enable our clients save energy. We can identify energy saving measures that can save you up to 30% of your energy. We ensure that our client remain compliant with the Energy Management Regulations.

Annual Implementation Reports

We carry out Annual Implementation Reports for our clients as required by the law. We make sure that our clients remain compliant with the Energy Management Regulations.
Our implementation reports are so thorough and accurate in showing what savings have actually been achieved after investing in the recommended energy saving measures.

Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies

An energy audit is one right step to reducing operation costs of a facility. Another important step is to identify an alternative, renewable, cheaper and reliable source of energy which can be implemented by the facility to reduce operation costs even further. This also reduces overreliance on the grid and sometimes can be a source of income if the facility qualifies for a feed in tariff to the grid by signing a Power Purchase Agreement. We conduct detailed feasibility studies to enable our clients to make sound business decisions.