+254 725874130
Eastern Bypass, Triple Two, 4th Floor.
Monday - Saturday : 08:00am - 05:00pm



About us

Gogreen Energy  Ltd is an  Energy Services Company (ESCO) based in Nairobi. Our team is made up of enthusiastic engineers with vast experience in the energy sector. The individuals in the team have conducted over 30 energy audits and consultancy services as well as energy efficiency projects in various facilities including commercial buildings, industrial/manufacturing firms, and institutional facilities.

While working for our clients, our main focus is to identify and implement sustainable cost-effective energy projects that deliver significant energy savings. We are always committed to building long term relationships with our clients to provide exceptional after sales and customer service.Go green 

We specialize in


  • Gogreen Energy Ltd carries out Investment Grade Energy Audits and Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies. The primary goal of energy audit is to identify possible energy conservation measures while renewable energy feasibility study identifies the available alternative energy sources. We also carry out measurement and verification exercises to report on actual savings achieved after implementation of energy efficiency projects. We assist our client to save energy while at the same time complying with the Energy Management Regulations of Kenya.

Gogreen Energy

energy efficiency


  ü   This is usually the next step of action after an energy audit has been completed. Energy saving is as a result of implementing the recommended measures in the audit report. Therefore, we go a step further to implement the recommended energy efficiency measures so as to achieve actual savings for our clients.


  • We specialize in Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Solar Water Heating systems. These projects reduce overreliance on grid power hence saving on your energy bills. For off grid areas and agricultural areas, we offer solar home systems and solar water pumping solutions.

Power quality products


  We also offer power quality analysis and install equipment that improve quality of power as well as deliver some energy cost savings. These includes the Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs) and Soft Starters.